Making Credible Renewable Electricity Usage ClaimsPublication

…is authored by members of the RE100 Technical Advisory Group, which provides RE100 companies with best practice guidance on the use of renewable power, to help them progress their journeys…

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)Page

…A tracking system can be used by regulators and other market participants as a registry of generating facilities, as a means of verifying compliance with a Renewable Portfolio Standard, for

Trademark NoticePage

…CRS trademarks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorized, and use for commercial purposes may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. If you are…

Buy Clean EnergyPage

…to action for consumers and businesses to support clean, renewable energy for years to come. Learn more about the campaign and join it today at For more information about

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2021 WinnersPage

…Light / Washington State Housing Finance Commission To expand the renewable energy market to underserved communities, Seattle City Light and the Washington State Housing Finance Commission together designed a solar…

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2022 Winners | CRSPage

…EBCE is disrupting the utility model, providing renewable energy at competitive rates and reinvesting earnings back into the community to create local green jobs, community-centered programs, clean power projects, and…