Webinar: Introduction to Green-e Marketplace (Free)Event

…the use of the nationally recognized Green-e logo. Green-e Marketplace gives its participants unique resources to help them communicate their commitment to clean energy on their collateral, website, and products….

Webinar: Introduction to Green-e Marketplace (Free)Event

…the use of the nationally recognized Green-e logo. Green-e Marketplace gives its participants unique resources to help them communicate their commitment to clean energy on their collateral, website, and products….

Comments on LEED 2012 Rating System DraftsPublication

General Comments in support of the LEED 2012 Rating System Drafts, including the inclusion of criteria and points for green power and carbon offset purchasing in the LEED Standards, and…

Green-e Marketplace 2007 Survey ResultsPublication

In December of 2007, the Green-e Marketplace team conducted a survey of all current program participants to gather information to help us enhance the understanding of what drew clients to…