Just Released: Accelerating Corporate Renewable Energy Engagement in China
New report assesses current and emerging clean energy procurement options in the Chinese voluntary renewable energy market
In the last decade, multinational corporations have rapidly increased purchases of renewable electricity throughout their global operations in order to access competitive electricity prices and distinguish their brands through environmental leadership. China has become a major market for this new procurement as companies increase the amount of renewable energy sourced for their own operations. At the same time, Chinese manufacturers are also transitioning to clean energy throughout their product supply chains.
While there are many new and existing mechanisms in China that enable companies to access renewable energy, the Chinese voluntary market is still early in its development, and much more can be done to create market conditions that facilitate a significant scale-up of private investment.
The report Accelerating Corporate Renewable Energy Engagement in China, released by Center for Resource Solutions with funding by Google, LLC., reviews the current state of the Chinese voluntary renewable energy market, including existing and emerging procurement mechanisms and new retail electric providers, and offers recommendations for policy and market tools that will complement the new demand for renewable energy throughout China.
The report is also available in Chinese: 促进企业在中国参与可再生能源活动
Jeff Swenerton, Communications Director
Center for Resource Solutions