CRS applauds next step forward for Western Climate Initiative; urges states and provinces to adopt option that recognizes emission reductions from voluntary renewable energy purchases
Jeff Swenerton
CRS Communications Director
SAN FRANCISCO (July 27, 2010) — The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) applauds the Western Climate Initiative Partners for the release today of its detailed program design document, Design for the WCI Regional Program, as an important milestone in the development of a regional effort to speed the transition to clean energy and a low-carbon economy. This new document pulls together and finalizes recommendations that have been made since the last major policy program design release in September 2008. We urge the Partners to press for full program implementation as quickly as possible, including a cap-and-trade program plus other targeted policies to ensure progress in key areas such as the transition to renewable energy. Regional action is crucial in light of the unfortunate lack of more progress at the federal level. While not a substitute for federal action, States have been important policy pioneers presaging national initiatives in the past and can again serve this role.
Urging recognition of emission reductions from voluntary renewable energy purchases
CRS was one of the leading voices in the northeastern state’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) for an approach that recognizes the carbon emission reductions that result from voluntary purchases of renewable energy. Such an approach involves the setting aside and permanent retirement of allowances, i.e. the lowering of the cap, so that voluntary renewable energy purchases continue to reduce carbon pollution as before the introduction of a cap-and-trade program. Like RGGI, the Western Climate Initiative has explicitly enabled, but has not required, such an approach. In the northeastern program, 9 of 10 states chose the option, and we urge all the states and provinces participating in the Western Climate Initiative to do so. Uniform implementation would be a boon for renewable energy project developers seeking to use the voluntary market as an additional tool to speed the construction of clean, safe, domestic energy sources.
About Center for Resource Solutions
Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) is a national nonprofit with global impact. CRS brings forth expert responses to climate change issues, with particular expertise in the interaction between cap-and-trade programs and the voluntary market for renewable energy. Its leadership through collaboration and environmental innovation builds policies and consumer-protection mechanisms in renewable energy, greenhouse gas reductions, and energy efficiency that foster healthy and sustained growth in national and international markets. For more information about its programs, including Green-e, visit www.resource-solutions.org and www.green-e.org.