The Green-e
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Markets is Green-e's First Certified Broker
May 17th the Green-e Governance Board voted in favor of creating a
separate certification category for Tradable Renewable Certificate
Brokers. Green-e TRC Broker Certification is available for TRC transactions
that meet Green-e standards and are brokered between eligible generators
and end-use customers. This approach is intended to provide a flexible,
low-cost certification/verification option to brokers, generators
and end-use customers. End-use customers interested in promoting their
renewable energy purchase through the use of the Green-e logo to can
now purchase TRCs directly from a generator using a Green-e certified
Broker without requiring each generator to become individually certified,
and without the broker taking ownership of the TRCs. This strategy
expands the options for acquiring access to the Green-e logo for end-use
customers. It also allows generators to sell excess TRCs as Green-e
certified through a broker without requiring a separate certification.
Lastly, this approach allows brokers to market their transactions
as Green-e certified and to use the Green-e logo.
Evolution Markets is the first TRC broker to become certified under
this new certification category. Green-e is excited to welcome Evolution
Markets as the first Green-e certified broker. Evolution Markets
is one of the nation's leading environmental brokers, and the top
broker in the compliance and voluntary renewable energy credit markets.
"We are very pleased with the new Green-e TRC Broker Certification",
said Anna Giovinetto, Director of Renewable Energy Markets at Evolution
Markets. "This new Certification will make it even easier for
wholesale buyers to procure Green-e certified TRCs, and as a result,
improve market liquidity".
For more information on Broker Certification, please see
, or contact: Siobhan Doherty at Siobhan@resource-solutions.org,
(415) 561-2100.
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Governance Boards Unite
Green-e merged its two governing boards, the Green Power Board
and Green Pricing Accreditation Board, to create one Green-e Governance
Board. With the completion of the standard setting process at the
end of 2004, Green-e anticipates that the majority of the issues
to come before the Board will be program-wide issues. Therefore,
in the interest of program consistency, simplicity and efficiency,
Green-e merged the two boards. The Green-e Governance Board will
serve the same functions as the two Boards previously served, to
ensure that the Program's standards and policies are appropriate
and necessary to meet the stated goals and objectives of the Green-e
Program and that certification and verification are handled in a
credible and effective manner.
Green-e Board members play a crucial advisory role for the Green-e
program. The program could not have achieved the level of success
that it has without their valuable input and participation. Green-e
is grateful to the Board members for this and for their ongoing
participation on the newly merged Board. For more information on
Green-e governance, please see: www.green-e.org/what_is/governance/governance_index.html.
Please contact: Siobhan Doherty at Siobhan@resource-solutions.org,
(415) 561-2100, with any questions.
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Accepting Comments: TRC Futures, POP Tags and Excel Energy Certification
Futures and POP Tags:
Green-e is currently accepting comments on two proposed draft
standards. The first is for Green-e certification of Tradable
Renewable Certificates that are sold more than a year in advance
of generation (aka TRC Futures). The second is for TRCs sold
in small quantities at the point-of-purchase to offset the consumer's
energy use and/or emissions from a particular activity (aka
Point-of-Purchase Tags or POP Tags). Comments are due to CRS
by June16, 2005. For more information and to download the standards
and comment forms,
www.green-e.org/ipp/standard_dev.html. If
you have questions about the proposed standards, the form, or
the comment process, please contact: Siobhan Doherty at (415)
561-2118, siobhan@resource-solutions.org. |
Excel Energy Certification Contract:
Green-e is currently accepting comments on the certification
contract for Excel Energy's green pricing program in Colorado.
Comments are due to CRS by June 18, 2005. For more information
and to download a copy of the contract, see www.crs2.net/gp/applications/Xcel_Energy_Application.pdf
. If you have questions, please contact: Kassie Rohrbach
at (415) 561-2106, kassie@resource-solutions.org.
Nominations Due July 8th for 2005 Green Power Leadership Awards
Presented each year by EPA, the Department of Energy (DOE),
and the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), the Green Power
Leadership Awards honor exemplary national green power Purchasers,
Suppliers and Market Builders. NOMINATIONS ARE DUE JULY 8th.
Nomination forms are available on the CRS Awards webpage at
The Market Development Awards recognize renewable energy
marketers, nonprofit organizations, companies, educational
institutions, individuals, and other industry leaders that
have helped build the market for green power. Any party may
submit nominations or provide self-nominations and there is
no limit to the number of nominations that may be submitted
per party for awards recognizing innovative marketing, cutting-edge
outreach, and outstanding contribution by an individual.
Green Power Partners are eligible for the Purchaser Awards,
and suppliers/generators are eligible for Supplier Awards
recognizing increased market deployment of renewable energy
technologies through green power markets.
Contact: Keri Bolding at kbolding@resource-solutions.org,
(415) 561-2100, or Pam Mendelson at pam.mendelson@ee.doe.gov
(303) 275-4819 .
The 2005 Awards will be presented at a dinner banquet on OCTOBER
24th at the 10th National Green Power Marketing Conference,
taking place in Austin, Texas, October 24-26, 2005. Additional
details about the 2005 Conference can be found at www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/conference/tenth.html
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New Product Certifications
Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) welcomed the following new suppliers
and products to the Green-e Program: |
Services Group is offering a new TRC product, "ClimateSave"
to residential customers. For more information go to www.climatesave.com
or call: 1-800-689-7957. |
Select Energy is offering a new electricity product, "EarthWise
(100)" to commercial customers in the Mid-Atlantic.
For more information go to www.selectenergy.com
or call: 1-888-810-5678. |
Discontinued Certifications
As of December 31, 2004 the following products
will no longer be Green-e certified. For a full list of Green-e
certified products, go to: www.green-e.org
Energy, Inc. - New Wind & Water (NY - NIMO),
New Wind Energy (NY) |
Services Group - ReGen New England TRC |
Mass Energy
- New England Green Start (MA) |
Pepco Energy
Services - PES Green TRC |
Pacific Renewables
- Commercial TRC |
Green-e 2003 Verification Report Available on CRS Web site |
The Center
for Resource Solutions released the 2003 Verification Report, revealing
an 82% increase in total volume of Green-e certified energy sales
over the previous year. This report, featuring results from the Green-e
Program's annual verification process, also shows positive growth
in total customers, renewable energy supply, and resulting pollution
reduction due to certified renewable energy in 2003. The Report is
available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF at: http://www.resource-solutions.org/ge/VerificationReport03.pdf |
New Products and Businesses Using the Green-e Logo |
Cruz Organic Juices are made with 100% Green-e certified
renewable energy offered by 3 Phases Energy. Contact Shayne Law for
more information (shayne.law@jmsmucker.com). |
Prince Street's (www.bentleyprincestreet.com) entire
product line is made with 100% Green-e certified renewable energy
offered by Sterling Planet. Contact Paul Firth for more information
(paul.firth@us.interface.com) |
Harbor Paper (www.ghplp.com) generates over 65% of
the entire company's electricity use with Green-e eligible biomass
generator owned and operated by the company. Contact Ron McDougall
for more information (rmcdougall@ghplp.com).
Power Systems (www.moderncorporation.com/h2gro.php)
grows their H2GRO tomatoes in a hydroponic greenhouse that is powered
by 100% renewable energy. Contact Peter H Zeliff for more information
Consulting (www.icfconsulting.com) is purchasing 3
Phase Energy's Green Certificates to offset 100% of their organization's
electricity use with renewable resources. Contact Kendall Youngblood
for more information (kyoungblood@icfconsulting.com).
Clift Design (www.jimclift.com) is purchasing New England
Greenstart from People's Power and Light to offset 100% of the company's
electricity use. Contact Lynn Clift for more information (lynn@jimclift.com).
Renewable Energy Center (http://therenewableenergycenter.com/)
is offering Community Energy's New Wind Energy as part of their rewards
program for their GREEN Card credit card. Contact John Zyskowski for
more information (john@therenewableenergycenter.com).
Mark's School Electric Vehicle Club (www.stmarksschool.org)
offsets 100% of the electricity use of Woodstock, their electric vehicle,
through Sun Power Electric's Climate Save Program. Contact Ken Wells
for more information (KenWells@stmarksschool.org).
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On May 17th, the Green-e Governance Board
reviewed stakeholder comments regarding the issue of black liquor
eligibility in certain regions and reaffirmed that black liquor is
not an eligible resource in the Pacific Northwest and Georgia. Black
Liquor is an eligible fuel for Green-e in all other regions. Please
direct questions to Siobhan Doherty at (415) 561-2118 or siobhan@resource-solutions.org.