The Green-e
Green-e Program Director
The Center for Resource Solutions seeks to hire a Green-e Program
Director. For a detailed job description, visit:
www.resource-solutions.org/who/jobs.htm. Send
all applications to aleka@resource-solutions.org
. Please share this information with anyone you believe would
be interested and qualified for this position.
New Green-e National Standard
Earlier this year Green-e
announced completion of the Green-e National Standard. The
Green-e National Standard will replace Green-e region-specific
and product-specific criteria documents. This standard will
apply to all products – Competitive Electricity, Tradable
Renewable Certificate and Utility Green Pricing – across
the nation. This new single national Green-e standard will
benefit renewable energy providers by presenting them with
a simple, consistent standard they can reference as they develop
renewable energy options in different regions and states.
The Green-e National Standard will go into effect on January
1, 2007. Throughout 2006 products can be certified under the
Green-e National Standard or under the region and product-specific
criteria. The Green-e National Standard can be downloaded
from the Green-e Web site, at
. Contact Siobhan Doherty at siobhan@resource-solutions.org,
(415) 561-2118, for more information.
Green-e Board Decision
The Green-e Board met via
conference call in March 2006 to discuss Section "III.A.1.
Percentage of Use" in the Green-e National Standard.
When CRS published the Green-e National Standard at the beginning
of 2006, this section required that a minimum of 25% of the
participating residential customer’s electricity come
from renewable resources, but indicated that this requirement
would increase to a minimum of 50% in 2008 pending Green-e
Board approval in 2006. The Green-e Board met in March and
decided to maintain the 25% minimum renewable requirement
for residential customers. However, if a marketer or utility
offered the option to offset less than 50% of a residential
customer's electricity use, they must also offer a 100% option
to residential customers. This ruling does not affect products
sold in “blocks” (e.g. 100 kWhs per month).
National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference
You are invited to attend the nation’s
leading green power marketing event, the Eleventh National
Renewable Energy Marketing Conference, organized by the Center
for Resource Solutions (CRS). Join us in San Francisco this
December 3rd through 6th, and explore ways to design or expand
a green power program, increase revenues, effectively market
to target consumer segments, and enhance customer satisfaction.
You won’t want to miss the insights shared by expert
speakers and the outstanding networking opportunities. This
is the preeminent conference for communicating directly with
leading renewable energy and green power industry stakeholders.
You will hear from national and regional experts on important
topics such as: Lessons Learned from Leading Renewable Energy
Providers, Renewable Energy and Carbon Markets, The Role of
Regulators & Policy Makers in Shaping Renewables Markets,
Communicating the Value of Renewable Energy to Consumers,
and the Solar Revolution: Marketing On-Site Generation &
Attributes. For more information, please see
www.renewableenergymarketing.net. Contact
Këri Bolding at kbolding@resource-solutions.org,
(415) 561-2100, for more information.
Publishes New Report on Renewable Energy Programs and Tariffs
The Center for Resource Solutions has just published the “Regulator’s
Handbook on Renewable Energy Programs and Tariffs.”
This Handbook is for regulators involved in the design of
renewable energy programs, with a focus on tariffs. It suggests
best practices for renewable energy program design and tariff
setting and highlights successful renewable energy programs
in a series of case studies. This handbook was made possible
through support from the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Partnership (REEEP). This report can be downloaded from the
CRS Library of Publications, at www.resource-solutions.org/lib/allpubs.html.
Certified Renewable Energy Options
Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) welcomes the following new suppliers
and products to the Green-e Program: |
Environmental Foundation (BEF), in collaboration with The Bowersock
Mills & Power Company, is offering a new REC product, , "Zephyr
Energy™ Green Tags" to residential and commercial
customers in Kansas and surrounding states. For more information go
to www.zephyrenergy.org
or call: 866-BEF-TAGS (866-233-8247). |
Energy is offering a new REC product, "CoolWatts" to
residential, commercial and wholesale customers. For more information
go to www.nativeenergy.com or
call 800-924-6826. |
is offering a new REC product to commercial and wholesale customers.
For more information go to www.weyerhaeuser.com. |
Power’s "EnviroWatts" Green
Pricing program is now Green-e certified. For more information go to www.buckeyepower.com. |
Roseville Electric’s "Green Roseville"
is now Green-e certified. For more information go to www.rosevilleelectric.org
or call: 916-79-POWER (916-797-6937).
Renewable Energy Options
of December 31, 2005 the following products will no longer be Green-e
For a full list of Green-e certified products, go to www.green-e.org. |
Energy, Inc., New Wind & Water (MA) and New
Wind & Water (RI) . For more information go to: www.newwindenergy.com or
call 1-866-WIND-123. |
EAD Environmental,
RECertificates (REC) . For more
information go to: www.eadenvironmental.com
or call 1.866.323.4733. |
Power and Light, New England Green Start
(RI) . For more information go to: www.ripower.org/PPL_index.htm
or call 401-861-6111.