- Date: February 19th, 2010 | Comment | 12 Pages
Comments on WCI paper “Voluntary Renewable Energy Market: Issues and Draft Recommendations,” express agreement with and support of the comments of the Western Climate Advocates Network and the Renewable Energy Markets Association, which are supportive of a VRE Set Aside. Three main comments: 1) We urge the Partners to adopt a uniform VRE Set Aside rule, 2) The final recommendations should recognize that the driver of the impressive VRE market growth has been large purchasers who have been motivated by the desire to show that they are making a difference in the effort to curb global warming, and 3) We suggest that you revise your discussion of the economic implications of a VRE set aside to more clearly recognize the benefits, especially the lowered demand for allowances due to fossil fuel‐based generation avoided due to VRE purchases resources.
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