Practice Issues and Contracting for Environmental Attributes in Green Energy Procurement and Certification

Friday, June 26, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Corporate renewable energy procurement must satisfy minimum financial metrics, but the driving motivation is the renewable energy, carbon footprint-reducing, sustainability goal-enhancing function of these transactions. This free webinar aimed at attorneys and legal practices in renewable energy will focus on defining power purchase agreement terms related to renewable energy certificates, and explore in depth how the Green-e® certification program helps buyers get the level of green they expect. The speakers will also consider how the transactions address carbon offsets and other future or potential environmental attributes, along with other terms designed to ensure renewable energy projects support, and do not undermine, buyers’ broader environmental and social priorities.

Peter Mostow, a partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR) joins M. Alexia de Pottere-Smith, General Counsel at Bay Area energy NGO Center for Resource Solutions in discussing the emerging themes around contracting for—and certification of—energy procurements in today’s volatile market, while introducing new best practices around resource eligibility.