Opportunities for Green Power Electric Vehicle Charging in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Please join us for this free webinar covering electric vehicles (EVs) and green power in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). We will provide an overview of LCFS program, credits for EV charging, and credits for charging with green power (low-carbon-intensity electricity). We will describe opportunities for owners of vehicle charging equipment that buy green power as well as green power providers and renewable energy certificate (REC) providers. We will also discuss interactions with the state’s Voluntary Renewable Energy Program (VREP), the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), and the Green-e® certification program, including recent changes to Green-e® program rules for 100% renewable electricity products and solutions for impactful green power EV charging in California. We will address common questions about how different providers and buyers can participate in multiple programs.

We are very excited to welcome Dr. Jacob Englander from the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the agency’s primacy contact for LCFS reporting and credits related to low-CI electricity.

Who Should Attend

  • Green power providers (e.g. utilities and community choice aggregators)
  • REC marketers
  • EV charging station owners
  • EV fleet owners
  • Transit agencies
  • Other owners of charging equipment


  • Dr. Jacob Englander, CARB
  • Todd Jones, CRS



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