REC Market Meeting (RMM25)

Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 — Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 9:30 AM

The 2025 REC Market Meeting will take place at a time when businesses and governments are planning for the next decade of climate action. Public and private bodies are implementing their climate and energy programmes targeting 2030, and we already know that they will not be enough. By 2040, most of the world, and certainly all industrialised countries, will need to be entirely decarbonised. As we shift our focus to the next decade, we should all ask ourselves whether we are investing enough in efforts that safeguard the environment, society, and the economy. At RMM2025, RECS, our sponsors, supporting associations, and all delegates will contribute to answering this question. We will unite to demand that renewable energy markets invest in the solutions we need to benefit ourselves and our planet.