2025 Green Power Leadership Awards: Categories

The GPLAs awarded by Center for Resource Solutions recognize individuals, companies, or other renewable energy industry leaders that are building the market for green power. Any party may submit applications or nominations, and there is no limit to the number of applications that may be submitted per party for the awards.

  • Market Innovation. Recognizes organizations and individuals building and growing the voluntary market for renewable energy or demonstrating leadership in procurement. This may include organizations using renewable energy, electricity suppliers and REC providers, policy advocates, leaders in project development, and others influential in driving green power. The award honors leaders that are innovators and champions of renewable energy and whose actions are supporting the accelerated development of renewable energy markets.
  • Community Impact. Recognizes individuals, programs, and organizations working on a local level to increase community access to the benefits of renewable energy, facilitate community energy projects, or advocate for laws and regulations that encourage renewable energy installation, adoption, or awareness. This award highlights initiatives aimed at positive community-based energy transformation.
  • Education and Awareness. Recognizes effective and unique programs, organizations, and individuals focusing on renewable energy education and raising the visibility, understanding, or awareness of its importance. This award honors work that educates others about the economic, environmental, and community benefits of renewable energy, and serves to boost public interest in market participation.
  • Leader of the Year. Recognizes outstanding leadership by an individual leveraging their influence, authority, position, or purchasing power to increase the availability of renewable energy. Evaluation criteria include personal efforts and achievements of an individual as an advocate in building the renewable energy market, and dedication to and vision for renewable energy.

Judging Process

An evaluation panel including representatives from CRS and other green power experts review and evaluate the applications received. If you have any questions, please contact us at remadmin@resource-solutions.org. Nominations must be accurate, complete, and must address all criteria listed in the nomination forms. Awards are presented at a ceremony at the annual Renewable Energy Markets conference.