Just Released: 2021 Green-e® Verification Report (2020 Data)

We just released the 2021 Green-e® Verification Report (2020 Data), which showed an over-30% increase in certified MWh over the previous year. There were significant gains in solar, and pandemic-related spending shifts as many businesses were shuttered.

The annual Verification Report aggregates year-end reporting data from participants in the three Green-e® programs—Green-e® Climate, Green-e® Energy, and Green-e® Marketplace. This year’s report, which is compiled from data gathered during the 2020 reporting year, highlights significant market trends, including:

  • 90 million retail megawatt-hours (MWh) reported from Green-e Energy participants, an increase of over 30% from the previous year.
  • 1.4 million retail purchasers of Green-e® certified renewable energy, including over 104,000 businesses. This was a 9% drop over 2019 despite the increase in consumption, as the pandemic saw many businesses close.
  • Newer renewable generation is continuing to drive the market, with almost half of the energy supplying certified products from facilities less than 5 years old.
  • Renewable sales were mostly to coastal states, with the majority of supply from the Midwest and Texas.
  • Solar growth continued exponentially in 2020, with over 6.6 million MWh from solar in 2020, a 7% increase.