Green Power Leadership Awards: 2015 WinnersPage

…with individual generators and onsite projects that include solar hot water, ground heat-pumps, micro-wind turbines, EV charging stations, and more on Intel campuses. Marty was instrumental in Intel serving as…

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2017 WinnersPage

…Center for Sustainable Landscapes (CSL). As one of the greenest buildings in the world, the CSL generates its own energy using solar and wind, and manages all water on site….

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2014 WinnersPage

…Power Partners of the Year, Green Power Communities of the Year, Green Power Purchasing, On-site Generation, Green Power Suppliers of the Year. This year’s Green Power Purchaser and Supplier Award…

2022 Green-e® Verification Report (2021 Data)Page

…aggregate customers in a regulated market within a defined jurisdiction to secure alternative electricity supply contracts on a community-wide basis. Direct and On-Site Certification. Direct Purchasing is a purchase made…


…purchasing from a utility, competitive electricity supplier, or a renewable energy certificate marketer. Our certification includes on-site renewable energy, which is consumed at the same location where it is produced…

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2023 Winners | CRSPage

…onsite and offsite Power Purchase Agreements across the country. INTERNATIONAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT Iron Mountain Data Centers In 2021, Iron Mountain became one of the first companies to commit to 24/7…


sites to find out about the important work these organizations do. The following links are provided as a resource for reference only. Their listing on this site does not represent…