CRS Stakeholder AdvisoryPage

…California Cap-and-Trade Program, December 13, 2010, Comments of Renewable Energy markets Association (REMA) on a Western Climate Initiative (WCI) paper, February 19, 2010, Letter to Senator Boxer on…

Green Power Leadership Awards: 2021 WinnersPage

…Green Power Leadership Awards on September 28, 2021, awarding nine organizations and one individual for their roles in promoting and expanding the use of clean, renewable energy. The awards were…

Trademark Request FormPage

…(“Green-e”), symbol (GREEN-E® LOGO), or phrase adopted by an organization to identify its products and services, which distinguishes them from the products and services of others. Please read these directions…

Renewable Energy Markets Asia 2022Event

…for those leading the region’s clean-energy transition. REM™ Asia focuses on the opportunities and challenges in scaling clean energy throughout Asia. This annual online conference includes panels on regional renewable…

Renewable Energy Markets 2020Event

Join us online September 21–24 for engaging and informative content, including over a dozen sessions, speakers, and networking opportunities at this year’s Renewable Energy Markets™ (REM™) conference. We have a…