The German 250-MW-Wind-ProgramPublication

Historical overview of the German 250 MW Wind Program, perhaps the most significant effort of any country to support the piloting and demonstration of new wind turbines and wind turbine…

Regulator’s Handbook on Renewable Energy Programs & TariffsPublication

…sequentially or referred to individually when particular issues arise. Key issues discussed in this Handbook include: Green Pricing; Check-off Programs; Community Aggregation; Renewable Portfolio Standards; Public Benefits Funds; and Net…

Achieving a 33% Renewable Energy TargetPublication

The purpose of the report is to assess how to accelerate and expand the current CPUC Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and related programs to achieve the Governor’s goal of meeting…

Renewable Energy Law The People’s Republic of ChinaPublication

Text of a 2005 Chinese act proposing “to promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, increase energy supply, improve the energy structure, safeguard energy security, protect the environment, and…