Capacity and Energy Based RPS PoliciesPublication

Reviews the relative merits and disadvantages of various ways to apply an RPS to affected electricity suppliers, with particular emphasis on the complexities of applying a capacity-based renewable energy purchase…

Interaction Between RPS and SBC PoliciesPublication

Discusses the linkages and relationships between Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Systems Benefit Charge (SBC) policies in place in particular US states, to explore possible combinations of these two policies…

RPS Case Study: TexasPublication

Detailed study of the motivation, design, implementation and progress of the 1999 Texas electricity restructuring legislation, a bill containing some of the most aggressive Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies yet…

Letter to Senate Environment and Public Works CommitteePublication

Urging the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to include specific language that recognizes the ability of voluntary renewable energy purchases to produce reductions in addition to those directly required…